Thursday, October 27, 2011

Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne is major problem all over the world. Including UK, 80% of population of every country affected by this skin condition once in their life. If it is severe then it could cause depression in sufferers. There are many treatment options available for acne. Over the counter products, prescription medications and other skin therapies are designed to cure this problem. Every treatment does not work for everyone. Some people get rid of it by using over the counter products, some got their acne cured by taking prescription medicines and some could not get cured their acne even they try each and every treatment.

Acne is a hormonal problem and needs a proper treatment. If it is left untreated then it can get worse and becomes more depressing. Try all those treatments that treat real cause of acne. Many treatments are designed to disappear acne spots, they are temporary treatments and when you stop taking these treatments, acne appears again. Acne can not be cured completely until or unless you target a main cause behind it.      

Dermatologist’s advice is very necessary before starting any treatment. They prescribe you treatments according to the severity of acne and skin type. Much treatment needs continuous monitoring to observe side effects and effectiveness of treatment. Following are some major treatment options which are very affective.

Over the counter products:
Benzoyl peroxide is very effective treatment for treating acne. It is available as a main ingredient in many over the counter products in different concentrations. Your health advisor can guide you of whom concentration is affective for your skin type and severity. Salicylic acid is another best option to cure acne. Don't use both products with each other.

Prescription medications:
Dermatologists prescribe you Retinoid for treating acne. These Retiniods try to balance your hormones and reduce redness. Retiniods are available with different brand names. Most affective retinoid for sever acne is Isotretinion (Accutane). But like every synthetic medicines, these medicines have some side effects as well. If these treatments do not work then dermatologist prescribe contraceptives, they regulate hormones in a body which cause acne.

Other options of acne treatment:
Other surgical and non surgical treatment options are dermabrasion, micro dermabrasion, laser treatment and skin peeling. These treatments are bit expensive and needs more then one sitting. Their effectiveness depends on skin condition and severity of acne.

All these treatment options are easily available in UK. Every hospital have dermatologist who have all facilities to cure acne

Monday, October 24, 2011

Home Acne Treatment Is Less Expensive

Home acne treatment is less expensive, milder and easy. There are several ways to make use of most at home acne treatment remedies that are effective yet less expensive than their media-hyped counterparts.

It is the best topical solution for treating adult acne. It can keep the bacterial infections at bay. There are many other topical medications such as sulfur and benzoyl peroxide but these treatments aren't certified for body safety by the authority.
Tea tree oil zaps the bacteria which cause acne formation underneath your skin. It is a good natural acne treatment, very cheap and doesn't cause any side effects.

Aloe vera One of the most famous herb acne remedy. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help in diminishing red marks and swelling left by acne. Aloe vera is widely available as lotions, gel, creams and soaps. Apply a topical aloe vera to the skin. This can be repeated as often as necessary till you'll have the desired result.
Apply strawberry leaves on the infected areas. It may be difficult to find such leaves if it is not their season so this method maybe not good right now, but it is very strong.
Glycolic acid. This is a natural acid contained in sugar cane. By applying glycolic acid on your skin, dead skin cells are removed, pores are unclogged and the appearance of acne scars is slightly diminished. Side effects: redness, mild stinging and skin irritation.

Also by watching what food you eat, you'll be able to control the outcome of how your skin looks. Although eating may not be the strongest method of acne treatment, it is also a known fact that fatty foods are not good for your body or skin. By taking vitamins from fresh fruit and veg and eating healthy, your body will be able to make the most of these nutrients and help you take care of your trouble spots.

Use lots of moisturizing creams: People having overly dry skin are recommending to use lots of moisturizers but to have best results pick the right one. Choose gels than lotions and creams as these gels are less greasy. Crushed mint is an herbal remedy for acne, because it contains menthol. Menthol is a natural analgesic, and it helps to alleviate pain and inflammation. All you have to do is crush some mint leaves, rub the juice and leaves on the skin, and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Next, you should rinse your face with cold water. You can repeat the process again if you like.
Your body normally expels toxins through your bowels and kidneys, but if you are not drinking enough water, you could be expelling toxins through your skin. Obviously this doesn't help you keep your skin acne free. Drinking plenty of water will help you clear your body of these toxins while helping to prevent acne. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day will help a lot.

One of the important acne treatment tips that I want to tell you about is controlling the stress hormone "cortisol" by controlling your stress, this can decrease the acne condition. Also consider exercises and some activity in your lifestyle which help your circulation leading to more healthy skin by better waste management through your skin pores.